Alberto Biasi

After the breakup of Gruppo N he was rediscovered a soloist, and started working on changing forms and space, and harmonic movements creating a number of works entitled Politipo. In the seventies he began combining thin twisted elements with elements in movement, while later in the eighties and nineties he focused on enriching the politipi with insertions of shapes and colours strongly suggesting figures.
In the latter, resulting from a contrast between the changing plasticity of mini relief and the two-dimensionality of painting, the new images live with and for their viewers and seem to evoke an endless becoming.
In 1988 he held a retrospective at the Museo Civico agli Eremitani in Padua. In the year 2000 Biasi elaborated a synthesis of his previous research and created the Assemblaggi, particularly the diptychs and triptychs which were predominantly monochromatic, with impressive effects of plastic and colour.
In 2006 he exhibited at the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg.
In addition to twelve exhibitions of Gruppo Enne, Biasi has set up more than one hundred one-man exhibitions, several of which appeared in recent prestigious venues such as the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino, Wigner Institute of Erice, Museum of the Cathedral of Barcelona, the National Museum of Villa Pisani and the National Gallery in Prague.
He also participated in more than five hundred group exhibitions, including ITALIAN ZERO & avantgarde 60s at the MAAM Museum in Mos- cow, the XXXII and XLII Venice Biennale, the XI Sao Paulo Biennale, the X, XI and XIV Quadrennial of Rome and the most famous Biennials of graphic design, achieving several major awards.