Quantum Metaphysics
Bruno Contenotte

From 21th October to 29th December 2016
Opening: 20th October, from 5.30 p.m.
Allegra Ravizza Gallery is pleased to present a solo show by Bruno Contenotte, an artist who from the very first, in the 1950s, has imposed a change on our ideas about objective reality. Basic to this is to abandon any analysis of the world in terms of relatively autonomous parts that exist separately even while interacting. The main emphasis, instead, is placed on the indivisible integrity of the internal and external worlds. How is it possible to resolve the circular paradox implicit in the fact that the macroscopic world determines the microscopic reality which forms it?
Contenotte gave an answer to this problem by creating in painting his Quantum Metaphysics on which he was to base all his future art, creating paintings, psychedelic lights, projections in metamorphic space, Translumen, his architectural Transilluminazione, Tao tiles, the Luminoscopio, Metamultiplex, and Transmecart.
“Quantum Metaphysics is a poem, a programme, and an act of faith in the spirituality of materials” (P. Restany, 1974).
In the show are some fifteen works that reveal the essence of the artist’s research, one that consists in stopping fluids in movement in order to study of the tangible reality of the immaterial void and cosmic energy. During his career he was constantly followed by the well-known critic Pierre Restany, who wrote various essays about his artistic development, and by the knowledgeable gallery owner Guido Le Noci who allowed him to present his more experimental exhibitions in the Galleria Apollinaire in Milan.
Press office:
Giuliana Montrasio giuliana.montrasio@gmail.com