1 lyric a day for 100 days

1 lyric a day for 100 days

Lyrics on texts by G. D’Annunzio

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è Gabriele-DAnnunzio-Poema-Paradisiaco-1891.png
Gabriele D’Annunzio, Poema Paradisiaco, 1891

Galleria Allegra Ravizza is pleased to present the first itinerary titled COLLECTION OF LYRICS ON TEXTS BY GABRIELE D’ANNUNZIO inside the new project THEMATIC ARCHIVES OF THE 20TH CENTURY. 

The project provides for listening every day for 100 days to a lyric that takes about 3 minutes, accompanied by the poetic words it was inspired to. Day by day it is creating a complete Playlist as result of a musical and literary research on the famous and well-known Italian poet Gabriele D’Annunzio (1863-1938). 

From the first decades of the XX century, many notorious composers such as Franco Casavola (1891-1955), Francesco Paolo Tosti (1846-1916), Ottorino Respighi (1879-1968), Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880-1968), Domenico Alaleona (1881-1928) and Gian Francesco Malipiero (1882-1973) were confronted with the lyrics by Gabriele D’Annunzio, choosing to write music on them taken from his most important and noted lyrical collections as  “Canto Novo” (1881), “La Chimera” (1885-1888), “Poema Paradisiaco” (1891) or “Alcyone” (1899-1903). D’Annunzio himself composed poetry on the idea that it would become song thanks to his own friend and songwriter Francesco Paolo Tosti.  

All of these compositors accepted the challenge to create music on new metrical structures or very long stanzas, experimented new harmonic colors and tonal mix. These compositions are an example of the real Italian modern lyric in which music and words coexist generating a strong and unbreakable artistic connection.

Every day for 100 days, the listener has the possibility to hear the notes of music and the lyrical words of poetries as “O Falce di Luna Calante” and “Van gli Effluvi de le Rose” from the text “Canto Novo” or “Sogna, Sogna mia cara anima!” and “La Sera” from “Poema Paradisiaco”, feeling the different interpretations and musical choises of the songwriter on the lyrics, as the text of “La Sera” on which Pier Adolfo Tirindelli, Francesco Paolo Tosti, Ottorino Respighi and Franco Casavola have worked creating four different songs. 

This project, part of “THEMATIC ARCHIVES OF XX CENTURY”, was born from the desire to donate a small daily bliss that day by day is creating a real thematic and archival collection.

As D’Annunzio himself wrote in 1917 in the text included in “Le Faville del Maglio”[1] the immaterial music is present everywhere and alive in every place, like a spirit of new and freedom, so during these difficult days the music is free to voyage with no limits and boundaries as a strong and powerful means of cohesion. The project would invite you to share the music with the people you live with, to listen it with high volume in your room or outside in the garden in order to reach as many people as possible.

The project and the sharing of the material are purely cultural and popular, with no aim of gain. For this reason, every lyric is shared on Whatsapp through a link connected to Spotify where the participant can hear the song many times and create his/her own playlist on the app directly.

Whoever would like to join the project need to write the name and the phone number to the email address of the Gallery or a Whatsapp message to +41 787355867 by Monday March 23rd, 2020 (We need to inform you that most of the collection of lyrics are written end sung in Italian). 

This collection is dedicated to Cristiano Podio

[1] Gabriele D’Annunzio, “Le Faville del Maglio”, published by Vittoriale degli Italiani, 1942, cap. “Della Decima Musa e della Sinfonia Decima”, p. 283